Friday, October 15, 2010

Progress Report

I have been following a plant food based weight loss plan (with the exception of an occasional bit of seafood) since the middle of August--see my post dated August 25th.  I had hoped to lose 20 pounds in 7 or 8 weeks but that turned out to be a little bit over-ambitious.  Since my last post on September 29th I have lost another 4 pounds, for a total of 15 pounds.  I am three-quarters of the way to my goal, with only 5 pounds left!

The next week is going to be challenging because I am going out of town with my significant other to meet his mom and sister in Myrtle Beach for some r&r.  I don't think I will try to lose any more weight while I am there, since that would be the ultimate in wishful thinking, but I am going to do my best to get lots of exercise and eat moderately.  Hopefully I can keep from gaining any back.

After I get back, my plan will be to get down to my original goal weight by November 20th.  Now that I have a pretty good system going, I think that it will be doable.  I would really like to get a little below that weight so that I won't completely blow it over Thanksgiving week!

Going with the lower fat meals and lots of low starch veggies has been the key for me.  I have also found that my overall appetite decreased gradually over time and I have been satisfied with much smaller portions than I used to eat.  I also bumped up my exercise schedule gradually, and I am still not a big exercise freak, so I believe that moderate exercise is sufficient to keep the fat burning up.

In the past few weeks I have come across some good websites with great vegetarian recipes.  Here are a few of them, which I hope you will really enjoy!